Auto Insurance Quote

Please fill out the form below as completely as possible. Once you have completed the form, click Submit to send your information to Marcussen Insurance Service. We will handle your request shortly, and you will receive a call back from us.

Or just call us at (309)764-6850 for a quote.

Fields marked with an * are required.

General Information

* Do you currently have auto insurance?
If yes, please list the carrier and how long you have been with them:

* Do you own or rent your home?
* Are you currently employed?

Personal Information

First, MI, Last Name: Birthdate: Driver's License Number
Rated Excluded
Rated Excluded
Rated Excluded

Accidents and Violations

* Have you had any accidents or violations in the past 5 years?
If yes, please list the date(s) and what type of accident(s) or violation(s) occurred.
Driver #1 Driver #2 Driver #3
Date: Acc/Viol: Date: Acc/Viol: Date: Acc/Viol:

Vehicle Information

Vehicle #1

Vehicle #2

Vehicle #3


* Liability limits must be the same for all vehicles.

Vehicle #1

Vehicle #2

Vehicle #3

* Liability Limits:

Comprehensive Deductible:

Collision Deductible:



Medical Coverages:

Comprehensive Deductible:

Collision Deductible:



Medical Coverages:

Comprehensive Deductible:

Collision Deductible:



Medical Coverages: